Ns.66 ART SPACE GWANGGYO, Suwon Museum of Art

Museum, Completed. 2019

Location : 140, Gwanggyojungang-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggido, Republic of Korea.

Area : 1,779.77m2

Design Period : 2018.10.11 ~ 2019.01.30 (3.5month)

Construction Period : 2019.12.05 ~ 2019.03.29 (4month)

Grand Open : 2019.03.29

Program : Exhibition 965.51m2, Office & Education 212.42m2, Art Lounge & Volunteer room & Storage 601.82m2

Design : Natural Sequence Architects.


Cilent : Suwon City Hall Local Goverment


Concept Model scale : 1/100
Exhibition corridor of glass walls and old exposed concrete walls
Corridor-type Exhibition Space Plan
Main Exhibition Hall
First Exhibition Opening, Goods and Things "雜貨" CHOI JEONG HWA
Exhibition on the old concrete wall
Exhibition space consisting of concrete boxes and corridor-type exhibition space set with glass walls and line lighting
Line lighting details on exposed ceiling
Line Lighting Housing Detail
Object in the Exhibition Corridor
Exhibition on exposed concrete wall
lighting and fabric art
Glass Wall for Public Art
Glass Automatic Door Detail
Reflection of Stainless Steel Columns and Glass Walls
Stainless Steel Column(Super Mirror) Detail
Exhibition corridor of white walls and old exposed concrete walls

15, Seongmisanro 3nagil, Mapogu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Tel.02.6225.4256 / Fax.02.6225.4257

All Rights ⓒ Natural Sequence Architects Corp.